About me

Hi, I’m Aryan Singh and I can print “hello world” in 20 different languages.

“I have a sound mind in a pure body and i’m as strong as an ox. I’m a tarzan, Mandrake, Flash Gordon. I’m Bill Shakespear. I’m Cain, Ulysses, the Flying Dutchman; I’m the lot in Sodom, Deirdes of the Sorrow, Sweeney in the nightingales among tree. I’m the miracle ingredient Z-257” (catch-22)

I am a computer science graduate from Delhi Technological University Delhi college of engineering and I am currently pursuing my PhD at the University of Limerick

My friends call me “et al”.

Past Experience

Java Developer at Mobikwik for a very brief time, then I switched to work with Policybazaar an insurance aggregator and the primary project was to make the document submission process automated using OCR and entity detection.

A Programmer at Free a billion, was an exciting place to work as the project idea was to provide a platform where users can directly communicate and participate in polling their local leaders, a platform for simulating and communicating the electoral process with a bit of gamification.

Backend Developer at Netcore Cloud Solutions, where I worked on various backend components for data analytics, customer segmentation, outlier detection and journey creation based on real-time data. Using frameworks like Apache Kafka and Storm for near real-time analytics.

Current Research

  1. Graph-based representation learning.
  2. Application of deep learning models to point cloud data for segmentation, classification and prediction.
  3. Application of deep learning and graph models to medical image data.
  4. Application of Graph-based models for prediction and analysis of temporal changes.